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Everything you’d want to know about Team Quality Services
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You must be a registered business entity in your country. In the United States, this is your Federal Tax ID number, which you’ll need to provide to complete registration.
A copy of your W-9 form so that we can verify you are a registered business entity.
TQS Partners (Independent Contractors) must carry Liability Insurance. This insurance is also required in order to operate within many service locations.
If you are required by law to carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance, your coverage must meet the minimums listed below. If you are not required to carry Worker’s Compensation Coverage (e.g. you are an Independent Contractor without employees), this is not required.
A copy of your Worker’s Compensation coverage/plan so we can verify you meet minimum coverage requirements.
You must be a registered business entity in your country.
In Canada, this means you have a Tax ID Number (also called a Business Number) that is issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). You’ll be asked to provide this number when you complete your partner registration.
TQS Partners (Independent Contractors) must carry Liability Insurance. This insurance is also required in order to operate within many service locations.
If you are required by law to carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance, your coverage must meet the minimums listed below. If you are not required to carry Worker’s Compensation Coverage (e.g. you are an Independent Contractor without employees), this is not required.
A copy of your Worker’s Compensation coverage/plan so we can verify you meet minimum coverage requirements.
Access to service locations (OEM plants) is required to proactively serve our customers. During the registration process, TQS will verify that you have access to the service locations for which you have registered.
Partners will need to provide either a copy of their service location credentials (such as a badge) or a valid letter from the service location(s) certifying that the partner has access.
In France, partners must have their own company or be registered as an Independent Contractor with the French authorities.
Documentation requirements vary based on your registration classification with the French authorities:
TQS Partners (Independent Contractors) must carry Liability Insurance. This insurance is also required in order to operate within many service locations.
Value Added Tax, or VAT/USt/MWSt, is an indirect consumption tax applied to the supply of any goods and services in the EU. By registering for a VAT you will be receiving a unique VAT number which will permit you to work as a Freelance and Independent Partner of TQS in France. The VAT ID in France is originally called “TVA intracommunautaire” or “ID. TVA“. The country code of the number is FR, followed by eleven digits.
Where to Register
The local tax office will register you for your VAT and provide the necessary guidance in allocating percentages, billing, and when your taxes are due.
You can apply for the VAT ID for France at the following local tax office:
Service des Impôts des Entreprises (SIE)
10, rue du Centre TSA 20011
F – 93465 NOISY LE GRAND Cedex
If you submit the application correctly and completely, it will take between two and four weeks before it is approved and you receive your new French VAT ID. Alternatively, you can issue invoices in advance with the reference “Numéro TVA: immatriculation en cours”. However, once you have received your VAT ID France, you will have to issue each invoice again with the new number.
Managing Your VAT
The VAT rate (generally 20%) should be included in your determined TQS rates – you will be responsible for the reporting and paying of the VAT to your local tax office. Generally, this is payable to the tax authorities 10 days after the VAT reporting period end (monthly or quarterly). It is best to confirm with your local tax office the most current information regarding the tax point or time of supply rules.
If you are required by law to carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance, your coverage must meet the minimums listed below. If you are not required to carry Worker’s Compensation Coverage (e.g. you are an Independent Contractor without employees), this is not required.
A copy of your Worker’s Compensation coverage/plan so we can verify you meet minimum coverage requirements.
Access to service locations (OEM plants) is required to proactively serve our customers. During the registration process, TQS will verify that you have access to the service locations for which you have registered.
Partners will need to provide either a copy of their service location credentials (such as a badge) or a valid letter from the service location(s) certifying that the partner has access.
In Germany, partners (contractors) must provide a VAT identification number (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer) in order to complete registration.
TQS Partners (Independent Contractors) must carry Liability Insurance. This insurance is also required in order to operate within many service locations.
Value Added Tax, or VAT/USt/MWSt, is an indirect consumption tax applied to the supply of any goods and services in the EU. By registering for a VAT you will be receiving a unique VAT number which will permit you to work as a Freelance (Freiberufler) and Independent Partner of TQS in Germany. Upon registration, you can expect to receive your VAT ID in as little as one working week.
Where to Register
Your local tax office (Finanzamt) will register you for your VAT and provide the necessary guidance in allocating percentages, billing, and when your taxes are due. To find your tax office, enter the postcode of your registered living address in this search tool. (https://www.finanzamt24.de/ )
Once you’ve located your local tax office, you can then file via the online USt-ID Form (only available between 5am and 11pm) or by visiting your local tax office.
The application must contain your competent tax office, your tax number, the legal form incl. Name, postcode, and town of the company or, in the case of a sole proprietorship, the surname, first name, and date of birth of the owner.
Managing Your VAT
The VAT rate (generally 19%) should be included in your determined TQS rates – you will be responsible for the reporting and paying of the VAT to your local tax office. Generally, this is payable to the tax authorities 10 days after the VAT reporting period end (monthly or quarterly). It is best to confirm with your local tax office the most current information regarding the tax point or time of supply rules.
If you are required by law to carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance, your coverage must meet the minimums listed below. If you are not required to carry Worker’s Compensation Coverage (e.g. you are an Independent Contractor without employees), this is not required.
A copy of your Worker’s Compensation coverage/plan so we can verify you meet minimum coverage requirements.
Access to service locations (OEM plants) is required to proactively serve our customers. During the registration process, TQS will verify that you have access to the service locations for which you have registered.
Partners will need to provide either a copy of their service location credentials (such as a badge) or a valid letter from the service location(s) certifying that the partner has access.
In Mexico, partners must have a registered business and tax ID.
TQS Partners must carry Liability Insurance. This insurance is also required in order to operate within many service locations.
If you are required by law to carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance, your coverage must meet the minimums listed below. If you are NOT required to carry Worker’s Compensation Coverage (e.g. you are an Independent Contractor without employees), this is not required.
A copy of your Worker’s Compensation coverage/plan so we can verify you meet minimum coverage requirements.
Access to service locations (OEM plants) is required to proactively serve our customers. During the registration process, TQS will verify that you have access to the service locations for which you have registered.
Partners will need to provide either a copy of their service location credentials (such as a badge) or a valid letter from the service location(s) certifying that the partner has access.
In Poland, independent contractors must set up their own business entity registered in the Central Register of Information about Business Activity. Polish partners must provide their NIP number (taxpayer identification number) as a part of the registration process.
TQS Partners (Independent Contractors) must carry Liability Insurance. This insurance is also required in order to operate within many service locations.
Value Added Tax, or VAT/USt/MWSt, is an indirect consumption tax applied to the supply of any goods and services in the EU. By registering for a VAT you will be receiving a unique VAT number which will permit you to work as a Freelance and Independent Partner of TQS in Poland. All EU member states have a fixed format for their VAT numbers. In Poland, it includes the prefix PL followed by 10 digits. For example: PL 1234567890
Where to Register
If you register your company in CEIDG, you can submit a VAT-R form as an attachment together with an application for entry and change of your entry in CEIDG. You can sign the VAT-R form with a Trusted Profile or with a qualified electronic signature
VAT-R application can also be submitted electronically via e-Deklaracje system
You can also submit the form in paper form to the municipal office.
Download VAT-R form (for printing)
Once the registration has been granted, which usually takes about 30 days, a unique Polish VAT number is allocated to the company.
Managing Your VAT
The VAT rate (generally 23%) should be included in your determined TQS rates – you will be responsible for the reporting and paying of the VAT to your local tax office. Generally, this is payable to the tax authorities 10 days after the VAT reporting period end (monthly or quarterly). It is best to confirm with your local tax office the most current information regarding the tax point or time of supply rules.
If you are required by law to carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance, your coverage must meet the minimums listed below. If you are not required to carry Worker’s Compensation Coverage (e.g. you are an Independent Contractor without employees), this is not required.
A copy of your Worker’s Compensation coverage/plan so we can verify you meet minimum coverage requirements.
Access to service locations (OEM plants) is required to proactively serve our customers. During the registration process, TQS will verify that you have access to the service locations for which you have registered.
Partners will need to provide either a copy of their service location credentials (such as a badge) or a valid letter from the service location(s) certifying that the partner has access.